Price: AED 2,500
Duration: 24 Hours
Timing: Flexible
Course Overview
It is a general purpose programming language. You can use Python to develop Desktop and Web Applications.
You can also use Python to develop complex scientific and numeric applications. World Class Companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Quora, Netflix and Dropbox, use Python.
Course Outline
Introduction to Python
Running Python Programs
Writing Python Code
Data Types and Variables
Using Numeric Variables
Using String Variables
Printing with Parameters
Getting Input from a User
String Formatting
Logical Expressions
The “if” Statement
Logical Operators
More Complex Expressions
Types of Errors
Troubleshooting Tools
Using the Python Debugger
Lists and Tuples
List Functions
“For” Loops
“While” Loops
Dates and Times
Advanced Data and Time Management
Random Numbers
The Math Library
Character Data
String Functions
Input Validation with “try / except”
Writing and Calling Functions
Function Inputs and Outputs
Local and Global Scope
Thinking about Objects
Class Variables and Methods
Managing Class Files
Creating Objects with Instance Data
Instance Methods
Managing Objects
Managing Projects
Using the Python IDE
Introducing “Food Fight”
Project Life-cycles and teams
Installing Python
Ethical Use of Computers
Intellectual Property
Digital Security
Social Engineering
Computer Number Systems
Encoding Data
Software Development Careers
Student Organizations
Global Computing Issues
Managing Your Digital Identity
Impact of Computing
Artificial Intelligence