Price: AED 2,000

Duration: 2 to 3 days

Timing: Flexible

Course Overview

It is established that on average, body language constitutes to 55% of meaning and message we derive in any communication process. The ability to understand and interpret non-verbal messages, especially it can be immensely helpful for any individual, where one can assess crucial factors like honesty, truthfulness, confidence levels etc. At the same time exhibiting natural positive body gestures has the power to impress and influence others thus creating lasting impressions and getting positive results. Possessing these skills can be especially advantageous from a professional point of view, as it can lead to better productivity, and work-place communication.

Body language is the invisible aspect of your communication that is used to disclose the actual inner emotions of the communicator when he speaks or communicates a message to others. The use of a correct body language can fortify the ideas and messages that you want to put across to others, and help you build trust and thereby prevent transmitting puzzling signals.

Our comprehensive and up-to-date Non-Verbal communication skills training program will equip participants with all necessary skills so as to communicate positively and productively.

Course Outline

The Communication process

  1. Self- assessment exercise
  2. Verbal Vs non-Verbal Vs Para-Verbal Communication.

Interpersonal skills & body language

  1. Interacting with Confidence and Self confidence
  2. Interacting with Positive attitude
  3. Interacting with Assertiveness

Non-Verbal Communication

  1. The Role and Importance of Non-Verbal Communication.
  2. Proxemics, Kinesics, Oculesics and Haptics – defined
  3. Concept of Open Vs. Closed body language
  4. 5 Different Types of Non- Verbal Communication Tools
  5. Body Movements- Head movements, Gestures and Hand movements etc.
  6. Posture- Common postures
  7. Facial Expressions- Common facial expressions including, Smile, Frown, etc. Micro facial expressions
  8. Eye Contact and its role in communication and how to maintain it
  9. Concept of personal space and its importance in Communication.

Gender and Non Verbal communication

    1. Differences in male and female body language while expressing the same message.
    2. Male and female examples

Culture and Non Verbal communication

    1. How culture affects body language.
    2. Cross cultural communication with special reference to Non-Verbal skills.

Physiological reactions as Non-verbal signals

    1. Sweating, dry-mouth, trembling, shaking, etc.
    2. Role of confidence and means to control negative physiological reactions

Functional usage of Non- Verbal skills

  1. Common skills for meeting and greeting- Shaking hands, Eye contact, Smiles etc.
  2. Assessing Interest levels Boredom etc.
  3. Assessing honesty and detecting lies.
  4. Assessing and displaying Confidence, Positive attitude and Assertiveness
  5. Addressing a crowd or an audience

Who is this course for

All professionals, Members of public and senior students who wish to understand and interpret Non-Verbal communication signals especially body language and to display acquire and improve their Non-Verbal skills.


    1. Understand the role and importance of various non-verbal communication tools in communication.
    2. Understand the difference between open & closed body language
    3. Learn and practice to interpret various Non-verbal signals including body language and para language with special focus on facial expressions, body movements, posture, and usage of personal space.
    4. Understand how gender culture etc. affects body language, thereby improving cross communication.
    5. Understand your own common non-verbal traits including body language exhibited.
    6. Learn and practice positive body language so as to communicate with confidence, assertiveness, and positive attitude.
    7. Learn and practice communicate with honesty and openness by matching your words with matching your action, thereby building trust and receiving favorable results.


Training methodology:

    1. The Training will be delivered in line with the latest adult learning principles.
    2. The training program is highly interactive in nature with training delivered with a combination of lectures, Prezi-presentations, practical examples, activities, role-plays, mock sessions, video presentations, discussions, energizers, Q&A and re-cap sessions etc.
    3. Trainees will be provided with courseware which includes, study material, handouts, and activity sheets etc.

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